Åsa Cederqvist

Åsa Cederqvist
Bimbo, Throw up

Åsa Cederqvist will work on two projects during her time at Tensta Konsthall.

Bimbo is an investigative and extroverted project with two different branches that remain connected.
a) An investigation of the concept of a bimbo. Where does the expression come from? Can a man be a bimbo? Are there advantages to being a bimbo? Has is become socially accepted to be a bimbo?
b) An investigation of the fascination that female blondes incite worldwide. When did it begin? Was it Anita Ekberg or was it some porn movie? Or is it a cultural difference in the heredity aspects of sexuality and lust?
The purpose is to maintain a personal view of the project as opposed to living up to some strictly regulated investigative method. Åsa Cederqvist uses her on point of reference to illustrate interesting contradictions that the artists has encountered through her own experiences and realizations.

Throw up is an intuitive working method that focuses on keeping to a direct and emotional means of expression all the way. The artist’s chosen approach is to not force herself into a concept of meaning for the work before she considers it finished. Åsa Cederqvist experiments with different materials to arrive at a sticky, often textile and sculptural kind of painting.

In Åsa’s work there is an apparent fascination with, and highlighting of, the other side of things, the ugly side, which is expressed in the choice of material and the composition. The strange thing that happens is that the ugly becomes beautiful, which raises the question of what makes something beautiful or ugly.
While Åsa Cederqvist’s work often inhabits a flirtatious and erotically charged world, it can also represent the complicated mental intricacies of human beings, where a slight tug on a rope can have a major significance.

"I am fascinated by the links between different things. A material ecstacy and the creation of a living and erotic tension within inanimate surfaces. It is pleasant, and funny. A creative form of vomiting."

Åsa Cederqvist is an artist and director. Since graduating from the art department at Konstfack, she has worked as a director, and has also toured London, Paris and New York as one of the three members of the band Revl9n.

2006/04/06 20:39


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